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How to Ride the Rise of the Hybrid Cloud


Cloud computing has gone mainstream. Many C-level executives see cloud adoption as a way to improve return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) for their IT infrastructure.

Yet, cloud usage patterns are shifting. Experts predict that by 2018, 20 percent of all new technology spending will be on some type of cloud computing platform. A growing number will turn to a hybrid cloud solution.

Overview of Cloud Adoption Trends

Cloud adoption is often driven by security concerns. Many businesses, especially those in PCI DSS or HIPAA-compliant environments, have either avoided cloud adoption all together or stayed with a private cloud option to retain complete control over data and servers. While private clouds are more secure, they are also more expensive to maintain. Public clouds are more scalable and flexible, stimulating growth at a lower overall cost.

Over the past year; however, public cloud reliability problems have come under scrutiny. Just this month, a power outage blocked access to Microsoft’s Azure cloud for eight hours. Similarly, the Amazon Web Service (AWS) public cloud suffered an undisclosed incident at its Virginia data center that disrupted service to millions of customers and hundreds of websites.

Organizations that use the cloud need to know their provider is reliable and has a disaster and backup recovery plan to keep business running if the data center goes dark. It is why businesses should consider a hybrid option to benefit from the best of both clouds.

How Businesses Use the Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud provides the flexibility and scalability of the public option but with better security and compliance. An IDG Research Services study shows that hybrid cloud adoption is driving digital transformation in business.

A managed security services provider (MSSP) can help businesses navigate the adoption of the hybrid cloud model, particularly how it can provide increased security and better compliance while maintaining reliability and the ability to handle all of your applications and data migration.

What to Look for in a Cloud Services Provider

When evaluating MSSPs, it’s important to keep in mind that not all are equal. Be sure the MSSP you choose offers:

  • Knowledge/adherence to compliance standards. PCI and HIPAA violations come with severe penalties, so the MSSP should be able to secure the most sensitive data.
  • Advanced security regardless of deployment option. No matter the cloud model, data – whether at rest or in use – should be subjected to the same high standards of security as  data in your internal network infrastructure.
  • Local management. Does the MSSP know where the data will be stored? Do you know how it is being stored? Options like local instance storage can keep a business running even if the cloud server is down.
  • Reliable, automated backup services. Your MSSP should be running regular, automated backups of that data for a seamless transition when a crisis hits.

As cloud adoption gains traction, businesses need more reliable, secure alternatives to the public cloud. For many businesses, the hybrid cloud is the answer. A Fortinet partner with strong local presence in Charlotte, NC, neteffect technologies has everything to look for in a cloud security services provider. Contact us at 704-688-7170.