How Charlotte is becoming a Smart City (Free Event)

Smart Cities are data driven, using communication networks, sensor technology, simulation, and human input/interaction to make better decisions about services and infrastructure. Areas where smart cities can utilize data to improve performance include power, water, wastewater, sanitation, traffic, maps and directions, local information, and emergency response plans.   Successful outcomes of making a city smart […]
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Why Your Last-Generation Firewall Can’t Keep Pace With This-Generation Threats

The Internet of Things connects everything from pacemakers to ceiling fans. While the IoT—and other trends like BYOD — offers new, exciting opportunities for businesses and consumers, it also opens up new portals for cyber attacks. It goes without saying then, that this new generation of threats can’t be countered with last generation security technology. […]
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Unified Communications: Google Hangouts vs. Skype for Business

As presented in previous articles, Skype for Business is a rebranded version of Lync, Microsoft’s business communication tool. It was launched in mid 2015 by Microsoft, and is full of enterprise Unified Communication features, with great tools for company collaboration. But Skype for Business is by no means perfect (although Microsoft is always making changes to enhance the product and correct […]
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Creating a Cyber-Safe School District in 8 Basic Steps

  With summer in full swing, it’s a good time for k12 school districts to reassess cybersecurity strategies and map out steps for keeping students and teachers safe from cybercrime in the upcoming school year. How aware is your school district of the latest cyber threats, and what are your plans to mitigate them? Digital […]
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Keeping College Campuses Open, Connected And Cyber Secure

As campus computer labs with all devices bolted to workstations become a thing of the past, students and faculty have more freedom than ever to transport their devices of choice to wherever they’re most comfortable working—both on campus and off. But with so much technology plugging into and out of campus networks, the possibility of […]
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Get Ready for Application-Layer DDoS Attacks

  For years, businesses offering Internet services have had to deal with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. That threat has gotten worse. How do DDOS attacks work? Put simply, they overwhelm services with traffic, making it impossible to address legitimate service requests, and leaving an unfavorable impression on customers who can’t get what they want. Who […]
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IT Innovators: Rethinking Assumptions About the Cloud

  Brought to You by IT Pro Today’s corporate environments are filled with leaps and often times hesitations, followed by even larger leaps toward cloud deployment. But about those hesitations: from fears about IT jobs being outsourced to security concerns and questions about the most effective ways to centrally manage a cloud solution, apprehensions can […]
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