
Preparing for Cyber Security Audits: 3 Things to Know Today

Organizations face increasing threats and strict regulatory requirements in today’s digital landscape. A thorough cyber security audit helps uncover potential weaknesses and associated risks to ensure your organization meets all necessary protocols. So what do you need to know when preparing for cyber security audits? There are three crucial things to know before getting a […]
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4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Data Security Analyst

A data security analyst, also called an information security analyst, is a professional responsible for monitoring network security and performing investigations when a security breach occurs. These professionals play an integral role in defending networks from security threats and cyberattacks. If your organization handles any type of sensitive data, whether it’s customer information, payment card […]
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What is Cybersecurity Compliance and Why Is It Important?

No matter what industry your business is in, chances are you are required to meet certain cybersecurity regulations. Cybersecurity compliance means abiding by a set of rules that an organization or institution has developed to protect digital information. Cybersecurity compliance can determine where and how data is stored, accessed, and transferred to enhance security and […]
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5 Types of Firewalls Explained

Firewalls are a critical security measure for internal networks. These “gatekeepers” help stop hackers and malicious attacks from entering the network while allowing only approved or legitimate traffic in. As the primary defense against attacks, firewalls help safeguard internal networks from the rest of the internet. A firewall can be hardware- or software-based, and different […]
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cybersecurity for small businesses

5 Easy Cybersecurity Solutions for Small Businesses

Small businesses are often targeted in cyberattacks because they typically don’t have as many resources as large businesses to safeguard their data. However, cybersecurity is just as important for small companies as it is for large enterprises. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend a fortune to implement effective cybersecurity solutions for your business. Many changes […]
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Let’s Take a Look at 5 Common Security Risks for Businesses

Cybersecurity has become more relevant than ever for businesses of all sizes. Since a single cyberattack can cost tens of thousands—if not hundreds of thousands—of dollars in damages, they have the potential to bankrupt small or medium-sized businesses. Understanding the most common risks companies face when it comes to cybersecurity is essential for controlling and […]
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malware - common causes of data security breaches

3 Common Causes of Data Security Breaches

Dealing with a data breach is something no business ever wants to face. However, research shows most companies will deal with some type of data breach, especially as the frequency of attacks is on the rise. A data breach can mean more than the loss of a business’ sensitive information—it can also damage their reputation […]
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protect yourself against holiday cyber attacks

Warning: Your Critical Infrastructure is at a Higher Risk this Holiday Season

As we’re all preparing to pack up our desks and celebrate Thanksgiving and the holiday season with our families and friends, the FBI and the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) have issued a reminder to stay vigilant against critical infrastructure and ransomware attacks. Malicious attackers, unfortunately, work through all holidays and during this busy […]
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